Blog Archive

Monday, January 14, 2008

Time Flies

Like everyone else, I've been very busy these past two to three months with my wonderful family, the Holidays and in my case, designing several new paintings. I haven't had much time to work on this blog, but I have been digitally preparing (ie., photographing, "HTMLing" code for paypal, etc.) some of my Native American Indian paintings to display on a beautiful and wonderfully interesting and diverse site, Please visit it. There is so much to see and learn there and I feel very blessed to add my small contribution to the mix. By the way, this photo was taken last July or August at the White Mountain Apache Tribal HQ in Whiteriver, AZ. We are L to R: Jerry Gloshay (Chairman Lupe's right-hand man), Me, Chairman Ronnie Lupe, and Lafe Altaha, former Tribal Chairman. (Except for Jerry, who was just a kid, we all look older, grayer, fatter but I hope a little smarter than we did 30 years ago!)

1 comment:

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